KanilPRwire a Digital Marketing Agency incorporated in INDIA and Registered under GST -09BOUPV7361E2Z3 whose registered office U.P INDIA 203393.
1.Use Of Website : You may print, download, and share content from this website for personal use as long as you don’t change any of the content without our express consent. No part of the content on this website may be republished, online or off, without our permission. The content on this website is protected by all copyright and intellectual property rights, which are owned by KanilPRwire. Reproduction without our prior consent is forbidden.
This website’s content is only meant to be used for general informational purposes. Despite our best efforts to keep the information current and accurate, we cannot guarantee or provide any implied or explicit warranties about the availability, suitability, completeness, or reliability of the website, its contents, or any associated graphics for any purpose. You assume all risk associated with relying on such material.
2.Payment : Unless stated in our quotation or invoice, the Client agrees to pay the full cost upfront for all / any Services. When buying our Services online, the Client is required to pay the full amount upfront through our secure PayPal /Payooner.
There will be no refund after placing any final order of the service or after compeletion of service .
3.Liability :As stated by KanilPRwire, we are not responsible for any services provided by us, as all services are based on third-party services/websites where we simply publish your content/link/service. We operate according to the current guidelines of third-party websites/companies. If in the future any website/companies change their policies/terms, we will strive to maintain better customer relations. It’s important to note that clients/customers will not be eligible for refunds/chargebacks on the services they have availed. Any settlements will be reached through mutual understanding between the Client/Customer and KanilPRwire.